while stevie's dreaming of having a pink wig, i'm dreaming of having hair blonde enough to streak a bit of pink through ala dree hemingway's post giles look. alas, i don't think i could ever ever give up being a redhead so maybe i should stick to dreaming of the 'wear it when you want it' wigs too...
ps, who else thinks dree got that much cooler after going platinum?
she looks so diffrent now
but i adore it
and the sunglasses love love love
dree is the best! the thinking girl's it girl haha. i love her with the pink streaks in her hair. so cool.
she is freaking awesome.
love the platinum blonde. would love to go that colour.
Dree Hemingway is my idol. She is sharp and gorgeous. Plus she is now taking a big risk, i guess, wit hthe hair and i love it. She can do whatever she wants.
Joy D.
so cool sunnies!
ah, post snap! haha, she does look so freakin' cool though.
claire x
I do I do !! Lost of models have gone blond lately but for her (and siri tollerod) it def worked out the best!
Luv your blog!!! You have such good taste! Please Check out our Fashion Style & Celebrity Gossip blog!
She looked amazing in the show!
oh damn i really wanted that about a year ago!
but yeah no i could never dye my hair either.
not cause i personally wouldnt want to, but because almost everyone i know would lynch me for it.
& youve seen this, yeah ?
if you havent, happy friday night :]
double damn, i think i mightve given the wrong link .
if not, then oops, but if so, then voila :
wowo gorgeous pics!!
i love gala gonzalez
nice blogggg
Oh my. That third dress? With the blue flowers? Delicious!
You got my vote, the platinum blonde made her even batter. BUT I need those glasses! Anyone? Who makes her glasses?
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