chiffon, denim, braided leather, minimalist black dresses, simple necklaces, quirky sunnies, tight gloves, florals, choppy hair, multiple crosses, gold sequins, embellished eighties jumpers, velvet dresses, tailored trousers, crushed velvet blazers, little girl dresses, loafers & socks, tan satchels, sequined tops, sheer black blouses, laceup boots, kitschy graphic tees, bright patterned blazers, cameos, oxfords & tights, rhinestoned shoulder padded jackets, furs & sequined dresses.
just a bit of random inspiration for the weekend. i've been sifting through my folders obsessively lately trying to sort out appropriate outfits for two weeks spent in nyc; for my twentieth birthday soireé & for two la roux gigs. it's a lot to fit into one oversized balenciaga weekender & a vintage suitcase leaving enough room for whatever i decide must come home with me. & i have less than one week to figure it all out.
leave the names of places you think i must visit in the city. a favourite book or record shop. park or art gallery. cafe or tea room. my schedule needs filling with new unvisited places.
really inspiring styles ! great pics
thx for posting this*
crosses, la roux, black and elegance. what else?
Such inspiring pictures!
My favorite quiet park is Stuyvesant Square Park. I would also recommend Sundaes and Cones for good ice cream and atmosphere. My favorite little coffeehouse is Ost Cafe (Camille from Childhood Flames also visited when she was in New York).
that first outfit is amazing
be sure to go to Sugar Sweet Sunshine on Rivington between Norfolk and Essex
they have the best cupcakes EVER!
Inspirational stuff. La Roux's blazer is the kind of madness I thoroughly endorse.
Super awesome! I love the cat glasses!
gala and jane birkin are the most gorgeous creatures.
I love these photos. they're all a bit romantic and lovely.
inspiring styles! but jane birkin is my favourite :)
omgomgomg photo PERFECTION overload .
thankyou ♥
& uhm, check out ina.
in soho, definitely a favourite .
google it for details .
& yeah ahah i agree, i have no "i love canada" tees !
sigh; the grass is always greener on the other side, isnt it .
I adore this: an overdose on lovely beautiful stylish ladies!
One Love,
La Roux http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMBNZ6mDSYk
pls watch, it's one of the best videos, I think
theres a magazine store across from bryant park that i can't remeber the name of, but it has all the foreign fashion magazines you can dream of and more(:
lovely! i love that third picture. have fun in new york darling! visit topshop again, a total must.
that is my favourite la roux video AND song - EVER. it is just ah, so tongue in cheek. so silly. just perfect.
kinga burza, the music video director i posted about last month is the one who directed it!
check out the post here; http://tenseventen.blogspot.com/2009/09/im-obsessor-holding-your-hand.html
thanks for passing along the link! any excuse to watch it again!
hehe, X
i love these pictures.
they remind me that i need new hair,new dresses,new tights,new gloves,new shoes...
hmmm..not sure if that's good or bad.
&your plans sound preeeettyyyyy sick!
happy birthday!
oh&visit trash&vaudeville so i can live through you.
didn't get a chance to go when i was there.
oh and there's this thrift(or vintage?)shop on 3rd ave.
not sure what it's called.it's near the NYU dorm though.
has great oversized button downs&men's shoes&sweaters&sturf.
I'm absolutely hopeless at packing, so no help there, sorry, but I do ADORE Frida Gustavsson's street style!
each to their own but i think elly jackson (la roux) is absolutely bloody gorgeous! so excited to see her next week! i could scream.
east coast of america, love. but i left my heart in london & i escape to nyc for holidays as often as possible.
thanks for all the lovely suggestions everyone!
I've been eating up the pictures of Frida & her little Ferragamos on Altamira!
Anyway, the Roebling Tea Room in Williamsburg is my favorite place & has the perfect little outdoor area. It's a snappy walk from the Marcy Av. metro. Plus: Fantastic tea, of course.
great selection of images. x
amazing post!
lol. nice collection. love the title.
the first photograph is complete love for me. the blouse contrasted with the blazer and her nonchalance.
ps. love your blog. so much visual inspiration.
you always pick the best photos. so inspiring.
Interesting post... I can see that you put a lot of hard work on your blog. I'm sure I'd visit here more often. George from best love poems.
NYC is such an exciting city I hear! I haven't got any recommendations, but do remember to give us yours when you get back!
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