because what could be better than a job where duties include rummaging through a crowded portobello road in search of the perfect outfit for la roux's new video, attending front row fashion shows & openings of hip new boutiques, assisting behind shoots & general runnings about london town brushing shoulders with the likes of katie grand along the way? all whilst calling super cool stylist/dj/designer nova dando your boss? nothing.
lucky lucky girl. I'm jealous :(
I love that every time I go here, I know you're totally obsessing over La Roux. :) The titles mostly give it away. :P Don't worry, Elly is great!
And I would LOVE her job too. She's a great stylist. Would kill for everything that gets put on Elly's back. :)
I've always thought being an artistic stylist would be more fun than doing magazines...I would have styled Bowie the Stones in another life, and to be honest, Elly is probably the closest thing we have to Bowie these days in terms of her look.
Nova Fabulous Dando
hell yeah, that job sounds perfect for a young woman who wanna get into the business....
mmm now i want her job too
you're absolutly right!
damn so do I !
You really have an amazing blog! I am def. following!
yes it sounds like a good one!
I want it too... oh and amazing sunnies.
Amazing blog...definitely adding you to my daily reads!
love your blog!
heyy me toooo!!! she is gorgeous!!!
La Roux is awesume!!
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