
lipstick letters and souvenirs.

oh, to sit squished in the backseat of a chauffered car around paris en route to the next shows & have genuinely insightful fashion chats with the fellow fashion-obsessed who understand your every over-exaggerated-descriptive ohh & ahh...

if only my american accent was as lovely.

julia frakes & christine de lassus filmed by diane pernet.
paris fashion week march 09.



Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more! Seriously my dream come true, I rarely find people who are willing to do that.

and I wish I was American hahaha

Meghan and Lana said...

agreed. she's so refreshing! fashion-obsessed conversations sometimes have the potential to be so annoying, but you're right, she's very insightful and i love her genuine sense of wonder. and her accent is really nice haha


LHFC said...

she is adorable and so interesting to listen to. and so young! jealousy!

Chantelle said...

I just finished looking up who julia frakes was.
Can i say... I am in love!? My goodness is she ever eloquent for an 18-year old. And I love the slight british lilt she has when she speaks. Fantastic. She leads such a wonderful life, I'd love to be in her shoes for a day.

young-shields said...

she is just so LOVELY. ahhh.

Anonymous said...

She is so adorable and i love the way she talks; it draws you in. How lucky she is.

jessica said...

julia is great , i love her sweet and cute manner .

Anonymous said...

it's interesting to hear her interpretation of the shows. and i love her chanel ribbon!

Hannah Swanwick Illustration said...

She's so perfect, but not to the point of being annoying, I think I need her in my life.


Mash said...

adorable and very interesting to listen ! I love her chanel ribbon in her hair .

joy said...

I do like her but I hate when people say apropo. Hah, i doubt I am even spelling it properly.