

Three paintings for the weekend: Lena by Jemima Kirke, 2011, Portrait of the Journalist Sylvia von Harden by Otto Dix, 1926 and Seated Girl by Hugh Ramsay, c. 1894-1906


Aimufua said...

I especially love the second one. When I first saw it at Centre Pompidou in Paris I just stood there, awestruck, enjoying the weirdness

ALCOHOLS said...

lovely choice! i must check out Jemima, i´ve seen this interview on VICE with her and she seemed like a cool girl! sylvia is a legend, you should watch Cabaret with Lisa minelli where they recreate this painting (and also for 1930s Berlin style vibes and anyway, it´s called CABARET). third one is new to me, even the painter but i really like that she is portrayed from the back. makes it stand out from all those nudes of late 19th century. xx

miriam said...

great paintings, the first one is my favorite :)

Alexandra said...

Love Otto Dix