

pink buttondown, H&M; How Should A Person Be? by Sheila Heti; scarf, vintage; watch, American Apparel; notebook, Moleskine; black jeans, H&M

Packing for a weekend trip to New York. Staying in a lovely Brooklyn apartment with festival, museum and beach plans. A last horrah for the summer. Back soon!


Erimentha said...

love set up shots! love your blog.
enjoy your time in NY! xxx

vogue-sky said...

stunning,love it,love it…the fashion is just so awesome,love the images…love your blog xo

Ragni said...

i love your pictures of what you pack. they always inspire me and make me want to be able to take photos as good as yours and get a little more picky at what i put on my blog. because every post of yours is beautiful and done with so much love to the details! i adore your blog, i can't say it too often!


Olivia Lee said...

Beautiful outfit, beautiful book.

alicia said...

you're the reason my to-read booklist is forever growing. i love the simplicity of the watch and the essential moleskine!