because although they share similar haircuts, tastes in vintage-y hipster fashion & charmed necklaces, in's with the 'in crowd' & musicians for boyfriends; where alexa somewhat lacks in having a proper 'creative' career - kinga has no faults. & now with alexa's almost superstardom, i can't help the fact that although i still like her, i've gotten just a little bit bored & am excited to move on to swooning over someone nouveau.
kinga is a polish/australian, currently living in london, twenty-eight year old music video director who's studied theatre and film at UTS in sydney & has not only directed one of my all time favourite music videos but also the barbara hulanicki for topshop video lookbook. she runs a lovely blog too, filled with mostly film taken photographs from holidays & behind shoots that mirror the same silly nostalgic innocence as her videos.
& plus isn't it always cooler to like someone a little bit more for what they do than for how they dress?
she is most cool indeed.
and though I still love alexa, I agree, there is something especially appealing about Kinga because she is a video director. and also her videos are the prettiest things ever.
I remember being obsessed by the Homecoming one for The Teenagers back in 2007.
lookk.. slice of kinga on my blog yages ago. http://discothequeconfusion.blogspot.com/2007/10/my-english-romance-newcomers-teenagers.html
love xxx
ps, blogging and tweeting while your vids download!
ouh, you're so right!!! love kinga!
you're totally right. & at first glance I thought she actually was Alexa Chung o_o
This girl is definitely rad. I prefer her style over Alexa's for sure too. x Plus she's done her time in Australia :D x
Amazing pictures! She is so cool!!!
One Love,
YES KINGA BURZA! Alexa Chung really annoys me. I won't go into a big rant about why... Kinga is definetly better. No question.
She looks exactly like Alexa Chung though in some of those pics.
she is incredible and so is your blog! i love. xx
wow youre so right .
espesh the last line, loooove .
She's perfect!! :D
oh my gosh!
dear kinga, can i be you please? thankyou.
thanks for opening my eyes to her x
love her hair, and she's so much like Alexa Chung x
She's beautiful! I especially love the first photo.
each and every one of these photos is gorgeous. new style icon indeed and has substance too.
ps. first time stopping by your blog and love what i see.
oh yes i agree indeed. She is tres cool, even her name is chic. Love her hair, adore her style. These pics are gorgeous btw :)
shes cooler than alexa.
love her
Love her look, I'm off to check out her site!.x
ooh i'm excited, checking out her links now. i love finding new girls to obsess over haha. thanks for sharing!
she is absolutely amazing... thanks for introducing me to a new icon :) x
i don't think i've been introduced to kinga before, but she really has something.
How brill! I am just learning about her too though I recognize most of her videos. Just fell upon this blog entry too. I wonder if she ever makes movies?
Hey very good written.Such a good lovely pictures.
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