cellphone (and a few photobooth) shots from this epic long week.
1. the gold tour continues. in boston.
2. texting by the bus.
3. sold out show.
4. finally my saviour is here.
5. #27 and raw juices at wagamama.
6. peppermint mochas on the bus to ny.
7. bathrooms at roebling.
8. rainy times square.
9. speakeasy at the renaissance hotel.
10. tv in bed.
11. obligatory preshow brunch at yaffa.
12. smokebreaks by the stage door.
13. soundcheck.
14. mickey and sharon backstage.
15. an emotional last gig of the tour.
16. vegan chicken salad and lavender lemonade at teany.
i haven't seen elly in 6 months. hating life. x
i haven't seen elly in 4. :( not as bad at 6 though. i like seeing these "behind the scene" travel photos. they're pretty neat. :D
sam x
I love this idea and the pictures are so good! I can tell your life must be very fun and exicting :)
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