really, who doesnt want to know how to dress like kiera or kate?
skinny bitch;

yet another birthday gift of mine & probably the most fabulous diet book ever.
new music : sophie ellis bextor : me & my imagination
sorry for the lack of posts last month; but ive got quite a few really lovely ones im working on. promise.
sophie ellis bextor : me & my imagination has officially been added to my workout/morning run mix.
That A to Zoe book will sell loads, I'm sure.
Have I already told you I love your blog? I'm linking you.
Take the compliment!
I chose your blog because you seem to have a great eye and sense of style. And you seem to post fairly frequently
And I am completely obsessed with Roisin at the moment too! So thats kind of why I love your blog I think!
Whats the reason behind your blog name, by the way? Nothing to do with Charlotte Gainsbourg?..
although im not a big fan of zoe i am totally intrigued in the book, i
might have to spend a day in a comfy arm chair with some starbucks at a borders books and check it out
love skinny bitch, it completely changed my outlook on food; & theyre so tart, i love it!
& i also cant wait to spend a day in borders reading zoe's book; those are my favourite kind of days :]
i asked for that book for christmas . i actually even want to read 'that extra half an inch' by victoria beckham. not exactly tolstoi, but nevertheless a worthy read.
like a guilty pleasure, sort of like laguna beach.
haha well ever since i saw the best reads link and saw the fab roisin coverage, it was love!
the song: playgound love by air
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